You know what I like about the Uncharted series? It respects its characters. No, I’m not talking
about the waves and waves of pirates, mercenaries, and agents that our hero,
Nathan Drake and friends slaughter by the hundreds over the course of the
series. I’m also not talking about the villains of the series at all. I’m
specifically referring to the “heroes” of the Uncharted series, Drake and his motley crew of buddies. Instead of
killing them off in an attempt at drama or motivation for the player, instead
of replacing them with a new face every game to keep things “fresh”, the Uncharted series instead focuses on
building a core family of friends for Drake. Sure, in many regards these
characters are driven by clichés and Drake himself is a character archetype
that’s been seen dozens of times in dozens of pieces of media. Much of what
happens in Uncharted is utterly
ridiculous and nonsensical, and all of it is framed as if from behind the lens
of a camera filming the latest summer blockbuster. But because of the way this
series treats its characters, they felt like real people to me, and the more
the series went on, they felt more and more like friends that I actually cared
about. By the way, spoilers for the entire Uncharted
series follow.
Let’s start by taking a
look at the first game in the series, Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune. Early in the game, Nathan Drake’s mentor and longtime
friend Victor “Sully” Sullivan is shot by the bad guy and is presumably dead
for a good chunk of the game. Drake then teams up with newswoman Elena Fisher
to complete the quest that he and Sully started. If I hadn’t already known he
was alive and well thanks to me being super late to playing this series, at
this point Sully seemed to be destined for two things: either motivation for
Drake and some drama/baggage for him to carry throughout the adventure OR pull
a 006 and ending up having faked his death and been secretly working with the
bad guys, maybe even secretly being the big bad and Drake’s ultimate main
nemesis. The game even hints at this outcome when it finally reveals that Sully
is still alive through some video footage Elena manages to capture, but when
Drake and Elena finally catch up with the cigar-smoking thief, it turns out it
was actually option C: Sir Francis Drake’s notebook, which Sully had
conveniently placed in his breast pocket, had stopped the bullet and ever since
Sully had just been leading the bag guys along, hoping Drake would come rescue
him. After reuniting, Drake, Sully, and Elena team up to search for the
treasure, forming the core Uncharted
family that would persist throughout all three current main games, though I
didn’t know that playing at the time. To be honest, I’d guessed Sully’s life
had been spared thanks to the old “thing in the breast pocket stopping the
bullet” trick, but nevertheless, I appreciated that Sully was neither destined
to be the twist villain nor emotional motivation for Nate, but the faithful
buddy he was introduced as. At the game’s conclusion, Nate beats the bad guy
and he and Elena almost kiss only to be interrupted by a wise-cracking Sully,
before all three sail off into the sunset together, with some treasure Sully
managed to swipe from some pirates off-screen.
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The crew |
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves at first opens with Drake being the only
returning character, before we are introduced to newcomer Harry Flynn and then to
Chloe Frazer, with Elena nowhere to be seen nor mentioned. I figured that Uncharted would follow the typical
male-led adventure movie formula, with Chloe being the new female love interest
and Elena just expected to be forgotten about, and us to not worry about what
happened between her and Drake after the events of the first game. Sully gets
some screen-time a bit later with a mission involving him and Nate that evokes
the early moments of the first Uncharted,
before he decides he’s “too old for this shit” and leaves the rest of the
adventure up to Nate. I figured Sully would just be a character that shows up
at the beginning of each Uncharted
game during the “tutorial” sections, which would be fitting for his role of
mentor, and probably be the only recurring character besides Nate, leaving the
rest of the cast to be filled by new faces. The early moments of Uncharted 2 seemed to fall neatly in
line with these expectations, but they were pleasantly altered when Nate gets momentarily
separated from Chloe fairly early on and (in a fairly large coincidence) runs into Elena Fisher and her cameraman, leading to some humorous
and awkward exchanges between the two (Elena evens makes a quip about being
“last year’s model” when she introduces herself to Chloe soon after, and I appreciate the jab at the trope on the developers' part). Drake and
Chloe then team up with Elena and the unfortunately doomed cameraman, Jeff, to
continue jumping across buildings, hiding behind low walls, and shooting waves
of faceless mercenaries, at least some of whom must have children or even a
girlfriend. This is something else I like about Uncharted (no, not the obscene amounts of thoughtless killing): Drake
isn’t always a one-man, unstoppable killing/adventuring machine; he’s often
joined by a friend or three that all work together to work out the harrowing
situation they find themselves in. Through these co-operative sections, I found
myself caring more for my companions than if they had just showed up in
cutscenes. The unfortunately doomed Jeff is shot and killed, but not before
Drake tries valiantly to save his life, and Chloe, who seems to be constantly
switching sides, rejoins the baddies, leaving Drake and Elena once again paired
up for adventure. It felt nostalgic almost, once again having the Nate and
Elena pair-up dynamic, like these two characters were destined to go on wacky
adventures together. I love the chemistry between these two, and I was
pleasantly pleased that the creators of Uncharted
opted to not waste an established character and instead further build on her
and Nate’s relationship in the sequel.
Nate and Elena eventually meet
Tenzin, another new character and a native of Tibet. Tenzin, despite not
speaking the same language as Nate, quickly becomes a reliable and likable
ally. While he and Nate are exploring the Tibetan mountains, they encounter a
strange yeti-like creature, which appears to kill Tenzin at first. Tenzin,
however, is yet another character not willing to simply become a red shirt and,
after regaining consciousness, saves Nate’s life from the monster. The two
return to Tenzin’s village later on to find it under attack from Zoran Lazarevic’s
goons, with a distraught Tenzin searching for his daughter, Pema. In a cheaper
narrative, Tenzin would have probably found his daughter killed in the action
and we would have seen a tragic scene play out in an attempt to make the
experience more “dark” and “edgy”. Instead, Tenzin fights alongside Nate as
they struggle to take back the village in an otherwise destructive sequence where
many of the villagers are killed, but that luckily ends with Tenzin happily
reuniting with this daughter, safe and sound. It’s nice to see a character like
Tenzin, who plays a relatively small role in the larger plot, be treated with
respect and be able to get a relatively happy ending. It’s also nice to see a
non-English speaking, non-white character get treated in this manner in this
series, as Uncharted certainly
doesn’t have the best reputation when it comes to representing non-whites (typically
they’re the “bad guys” Nate is slaughtering in the hundreds, unfortunately).
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Tenzin and Drake |
is another story. Throughout the game, she seems to be being set up as a duplicitous
character who will end up betraying Drake. She’s the adventurous “bad girl” to
Elena’s more reserved “good girl” (not that Elena can’t shoot a gun and jump
around on stuff just as well as Chloe). Basically, Chloe to me seemed destined
to end up being someone the player is meant to jeer at and probably die some
horrible or unfortunate death near the end, leaving Drake and the more morally
responsible Elena to pair up. While Elena and Nate do indeed end up together in
the end, Chloe at least gets some respect. It’s clear as the game goes on that
Chloe is someone who cares about Drake, but is also someone who wants to
protect herself. She lets go of this self-interest near the end though and agrees
to help Drake and Elena take down Lazarevic. In the game’s final moments, it is
Elena, instead, who is on the brink of death (wounded by a grenade explosion; there’s
some ludonarrative dissonance for ya) and Chloe, who before was willing to let
the unfortunately doomed Jeff the cameraman bleed out in a gutter because he
was slowing down the group, now risks her life to carry the wounded Elena while
Drake fights off hordes of Lazarevic’s goons. Drake goes off on his own to do
the hero thing and take down Lasarevic, now powered up on magic Shambhala
juice, while Chloe attempts to get Elena out of the hidden valley. Later on, as
Shambhala is crumbling all around them, the final playable moment of the game
tasks the player with saving Chloe, falling to her death while being attacked by
a big blue monster man. I think this was a smart final moment, and a good
demonstration of how the game’s creators still respected Chloe as an important
character, despite clearly setting up Elena as Nate’s prime love interest. In
these final moments, Chloe is a human being worth saving the life of instead of
a selfish, duplicitous archetype that “got what was coming to her”. Even though
they’re both involved in a love triangle with the male lead, it’s still sadly rare
to see two female leads like this in a story like Uncharted’s, and both treated like important characters. After
saving Chloe, the two of them rejoin a battered Elena who seems to be done for.
Not only did this series
not simply discard Elena as “last year’s model”, but established her as a
character that I really didn’t want to die at this point. The game cuts to what
appears to be a funeral scene with a mourning Drake, leaving Elena’s fate
purposefully unknown. Chloe shows up, asking Drake if he “loves her” before
advising Drake to tell her so and then respectfully bowing out as the camera
pans over to an injured, but very much alive Elena being helped by Sully. Once
again the game ends with the same three characters, with the final scene this
time being shared solely by Elena and Nate, playfully bantering with each
other, and seeming like they’re going to stay together this time. At this
point, this series had cemented two characters I cared about going forward and
I was pleased that neither Elena nor Chloe were haphazardly killed off, but
instead treated as characters whose lives mattered just as much as Nate’s or
Sully’s. In a series where life is otherwise not treated with any respect at
all and the “bad guys” drop left and right without any noticeable guilt or emotional
impact on Drake’s part, it was surprising and nice to see that at least the
game’s developers were more interested in developing and building the game’s central
cast instead of killing them off or trading them off.
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The ending of Uncharted 2 |
didn’t quite know what to expect from Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception, but I was hoping the series would stick with the
route it had already established with its characters. The opening moments once
again focus solely on Sully and Nate, and it seemed at first like Elena and
Nate had once again split ways between games, which I was a bit annoyed by, but
I tried to have faith that the game wouldn’t ignore their relationship. Soon
enough, we are introduced to a new friend of Nate’s, Charlie Cutter, as well as
the return of Chloe, to my pleasant surprise. Even though I praised the
developers for treating her character with a degree of respect towards the end
of the second game, I still figured that we’d seen the last of her. I was happy
to see that Naughty Dog treated her as more than just a throwaway love interest
for Nate and in part 3, we see that she, Nate, Sully, and Cutter are all part
of a spiffy new thieving team on the trail of some wacky new adventure. The
consistency of the characters in this series mixed with a few new ones really
works to the benefit of these games in my eyes. This feeling of camaraderie is
where the strength of the Uncharted series’
narratives lie (the plots themselves are fairly formulaic and do their fair
share of aping from other sources, but I still find them entertaining enough).
Despite being happy to see Chloe back, I was also a bit nervous that Elena had
now been dropped, in favor of a no-romance plot with a cool gang of thieves,
which would otherwise be totally fine, if the previous game had not established
Elena as clearly a character who was going to stick around in Drake’s life.
finding some clues in London, the team heads out on a globetrotting journey to
find the keys to yet another legendary lost city. Eventually they end up in
Syrbia, where Cutter is drugged and forced to give over some important items to
the bad guys. Later, in his delirious state, he tries to kill Nate, but luckily
comes to his senses before Sully shoots him. Cutter later finds some redemption
by using some clever thinking to outwit the villainous Talbot and his agents,
allowing Nate and the others to escape. Unfortunately, Cutter ends up getting
caught and finds himself cornered by central antagonist Katherine Marlowe, Talbot and their cronies as his buddies helplessly look on. I figured
Cutter was done for at this point and he’d end being a martyr, but once again
my expectations were betrayed when Cutter jumped down a high castle wall to
avoid getting burned alive, breaking his leg but nonetheless surviving to
adventure another day. Unfortunately he and Chloe disappear for the rest of the
game from this point on and while this absence is justifiable within the
narrative, I still wish they at least appeared in the ending for some closure.
Still, I’m glad Cutter wasn’t just fodder for a cheap death due to his status
as a new and not as well established character. I’m not saying that characters
can’t die (both the unfortunately doomed Jeff and Karl Schafer are killed off
in Uncharted 2 after all), just that
I appreciate when the characters opposite the lead aren’t all treated like
they’re expendable.
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Sully, Cutter, Chloe and Nate in Uncharted 3 |
It’s after this point when
Nate and Sully need someone to escort them around Yemen that Sully gets an idea
to call someone Nate seems very reluctant to reach out to. Turns out that
person, happily, is Elena Fisher, and once again our main trio find themselves
scuttling through ancient tombs together. It’s revealed through subtext that
Nate and Elena got married in-between the ending of Uncharted 2 and the beginning of Uncharted 3, but separated for some reason, though Elena still
wears her wedding ring. When Sully gets kidnapped by the baddies, Elena and
Nate set off on a mission to rescue him, sharing some touching moments in-between.
I was a bit disappointed that Elena ends up getting left behind for the final
chapters of the game and doesn’t show up again until the ending, but given what
happens to Nate after he stows away on the cargo plane en route to the Rub’ al
Khali desert, I can see why the developers wrote the story this way. Speaking
of Sully, he plays a much bigger role in Uncharted
3, and instead of just being Nate’s partner at the beginning of the game
this time, he’s along for the ride for most of the adventure and we even get to
see how he and a young Nate met, as well as some scenes near the end that
strengthen their bond. The game’s ending involves Sully giving Nate his wedding
ring back (which he’d kept after Nate “lost it”), which Nate shows to Elena
before the two embrace. I liked the idea of Nate replacing Francis Drake’s ring
with his wedding ring, symbolizing the shift of priorities in his life…at least
until the events of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. The three of them walk off towards a plane-ride home, in a similar
manner to the way the first Uncharted
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Nate and Elena share a tender moment in Uncharted 3 |
I’m not saying that the Uncharted series has the best characters
or the best character development ever. All I’m saying is that it does a fair
job of respecting the characters it does have and of focusing on building their
bonds and relationships over the course of the three games, and also treats new
characters like they are a part of the family as well. It doesn’t trade a new
love interest for Nate every game, but instead focuses on a lasting
relationship between him and Elena. It doesn’t kill off Nate’s friends or turn
them into martyrs; they encounter dangerous situations, but somehow they pull
through and this aspect only strengthens their friendship. I got the sense
throughout this series that the lives of Nate’s friends were just as important
to the games’ creators as Nate himself. It’s nice to see a series where, for
the most part, characters aren’t wasted or killed off purely to make something
more “edgy” or “shocking” or sacrificed in a lazy way to fulfill another
character’s arc. In this regard, I’m pleased with the way that Uncharted handles its cast, and with the
way that it builds a family around Nathan Drake, establishing a group of people
that I grew to care about. There are plenty of criticisms that can be leveled
at the Uncharted series, but besides
being a fun combination of thrilling spectacle and exciting adventure, I think
it does a fine job with treating its people with a degree of respect and care that
I appreciate…the good guys anyway.
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