Nintendo is one of my favorite
video game developers. Like many others, I grew up with Nintendo. I played
Mario and Kirby games feverishly when I was a little kid and even though I
didn’t get into many of Nintendo’s other popular series like Zelda and Metroid
until I was a teenager, they have still been an integral part of my upbringing.
Zelda even went on to become my most beloved series of all time. Almost half of
my recent list of my top 100 favorite video games of all time were Nintendo-developed
games. This rant is born out of love and admiration, and not hate.
I’ve been becoming increasingly
frustrated with Nintendo over the past couple of years. A developer that had
once offered a wide variety of unique and creative experiences seems to be
turning into nothing more than a Mario machine. What do I mean? The end of 2011
saw the release of two new games in the Mario series, Super Mario 3D Land and
Mario Kart 7. This was fine. Off the top of my head, I don’t think we’d had a
big Mario release since Super Mario Galaxy 2 in mid-2010, and we were due for a
shiny new Mario platformer on a handheld system. Usually Nintendo spaces out
their main franchise entries and has traditionally offered a fair variety in
releases this way. So I was surprised the see Nintendo release four more new
Mario games in 2012 (again, these numbers are all off the top of my head, but
while there could be even more Mario games, I know there are at least as many
as I say), two of these being New Super Mario Bros. 2 and New Super Mario Bros.
U. Another of these releases was Paper Mario: Sticker Star. We hadn’t had a
Paper Mario game in a while, and Mario’s RPG outings are usually stellar
experiences, so this release was at least fairly exciting. So after all these
games, I was sure that Nintendo would finally give Mario a break in 2013 and
we’d start seeing some variety. Well, I guess I was right in one way, as
Nintendo is putting the spotlight on Mario’s brother Luigi this year, billing
2013 as “The Year of Luigi.” Now, when I talk about “Mario” games, I’m
including all games in the core Mario universe (I'm excluding Donkey Kong and WarioWare games as I feel they're distinct enough). So far this year, Nintendo has
released Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon and announced: New Super Luigi U
(downloadable content for New Super Mario Bros. U that Nintendo is billing as
almost like a completely new game), Mario and Luigi: Dream Team, Mario Party
for 3DS, a new Yoshi’s Island game for 3DS, a new Yoshi platformer for Wii U, a
new Mario platformer for Wii U, a new Mario Kart for Wii U, and has plans to
release a new Mario vs. Donkey Kong title. Oh wait, I forgot Mario Golf: World
Tour for 3DS. That’s TEN new Mario universe games. In the midst of this massive
milking of the mustachioed Mario, Nintendo is releasing a few other notable
first-party games that I’ll get to later, but by and large Nintendo is lately less
about offering a nice variety of unique content, but rather a nice
variety of Mario content. I realize
that Nintendo is a business and that Mario games sell, but it’s almost like
Nintendo is just saying: “Screw it, let’s just stick with Mario and make billions.”
If nothing else, I can safely say I’m sick
of Mario at this point.
Yes, Nintendo has been
recycling the same franchises for years, but the thing is Nintendo has
traditionally reinvented these games over and over again and by my estimation
has generally provided unique new experiences with each new iteration of its
popular franchises. Also, these iterations have traditionally been spaced out
and have had a lot of thought and effort put into them. Remember how the
original Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 2 (in USA at least), Super Mario
Bros. 3, Super Mario World, Super Mario 64, and really every main Mario
platformer up to and including the Galaxy games offered a brand new, unique
experience? Think of how wild and creative Super Mario Bros. 3 was when it
first came out, or how Super Mario 64 revolutionized 3D gaming, or the
different flavor Super Mario Sunshine offered, or how Galaxy sent Mario into
space and all the crazy levels we got along with it. Remember how exciting it
was when the original New Super Mario Bros. came out? Finally, after all these
years, a brand new 2D-style Mario that offered a fresh take on a familiar
formula. Then New Super Mario Bros. Wii came out and it was pretty good, and it
offered multiplayer, but it was strikingly similar to the DS original. Then
remember when New Super Mario Bros. 2 came out and it was…the same thing? Then
remember when New Super Mario Bros. U came out a couple months after that and,
while it offered the most unique world aesthetics in the New series to date and
some new abilities, it was basically the same experience again? Yeah…. Even
Super Mario 3D Land, while vastly more original than the New Super Mario Bros.
games, seemed to offer very familiar aesthetics, enemies, world themes, etc.
and seemed to pull familiar elements from the Galaxy games while throwing in
some Super Mario Bros. 3 nostalgia to boot. Speaking of Super Mario Bros. 3
nostalgia…yes Nintendo, that game is brilliant, and yes, I remember it. In
fact, it’s my favorite Mario game, but that does not mean that I want to keep
playing rehashes of its aesthetics and presentation for the rest of time. The
return of the raccoon tail in 3D Land was nice, but its inclusion in New Super
Mario Bros. 2 was just redundant. You see, the raccoon tail in the latter game
isn’t even that useful as most levels aren’t even designed around its flight capabilities.
The raccoon tail was cool in Mario 3 because every level was designed in such a
way that using the raccoon tail to fly around almost always led to secrets and
rewards. This trend of including elements in games for the sake of nostalgia is
one of Nintendo’s current design philosophies. Yoshi was cool is Super Mario
World because the game was designed around him, with every level taking advantage
of his many abilities. Yoshi was not cool in New Super Mario Bros. Wii because
he was only playable in like four levels. Nintendo is just throwing these elements
in the games as if to say: “Hey, you love Yoshi, right? Guess what, here’s
Yoshi! Buy this game!” Other elements that seem randomly tossed into the newer
games like the Reznor bosses from Super Mario World being in New Super Mario
Bros. 2 and areas being named after food in New Super Mario Bros. U are just pointless
callbacks to Super Mario World, but where as these elements made sense in that
game’s context (Reznors are dinosaur enemies in Mario World’s Dinosaur Land and
the areas are named after food in World because the game is designed around a
dinosaur that eats everything), they just don’t make any sense in the context
of the new games and are clearly just there for fan-service. Besides all this,
the New Super Mario Bros. series recycles the same music, enemies, world themes
(and even world order as it seems like it’s part of Nintendo’s religion to
always have the second world be a desert world), and overall design of: level,
level, mid-world tower, level, level, end of world castle, fight with Koopa Kid
from game to game. It seems with New Super Luigi U, Nintendo has decided to not
even both creating a “new” game in the series at all, but is simply just doing
a DLC thing by changing all the levels on New Super Mario Bros. U’s map into
new ones. Maybe this approach is best, as the series is basically just a bunch
of DLC sold as new games anyway. Stepping away from the Mario platformer games,
a new Mario and Luigi RPG is cool and those games are usually very creative,
but the thing is this is the fourth game in that series and it’s coming right
on the heels of another Mario RPG: Paper Mario: Sticker Star. I love the Mario
RPG games, and these games are usually much more open to trying surprising new
things with Mario’s world than the core series, but releasing these games so
close together, and in the midst of so many
other Mario games has weakened my interest in them as well.

New Super Mario Bros.: Bonus points if you can tell me which game is which |
So saying all this, after sitting
through the now expected line-up of Mario games during today’s Nintendo
Direct, I was naturally a bit disappointed by its content, but its later
portions actually picked my interest up a bit. Hands down the most unexpected announcement from the presentation for me was that Nintendo is
finally, finally releasing EarthBound
on their virtual console service in North America. After years of hearing about
this quirky and acclaimed classic, I’m finally going to get to play it without
having to pay 300$ for a SNES cartridge on ebay (and yes the cartridge alone
can go for that much, although perhaps now it will drop in price). So bravo on
that end Nintendo. Next, getting a North American release date for the 3DS
eShop release of the Zelda Oracle games, two criminally overlooked classics and
two of my favorite games in the series, was nice. Next up, hearing that Bravely
Default: Flying Fairy, the unfortunately-named, yet gorgeous-looking 3DS RPG
from Square Enix is also coming to the States was also exciting news for me. So
darn it Nintendo, if you aren’t severely disappointing me with all the Mario,
you ended up getting me excited by the end (granted, by some old games coming
to the VC and another game getting localized, but still). And this all leads to
of course the reveal of a new Zelda game for 3DS.
I’ve been waiting for this one, and
I knew we were due for an original handheld Zelda title soon since we haven’t
seen one since 2009’s Spirit Tracks. There have been a lot of rumors about
Majora’s Mask getting the remake treatment, but there was also talk a while
back about Shigeru Miyamoto wanting to revisit A Link to the Past with a remake.
Ultimately, we were told that Zelda’s developers wanted to tackle an original
Zelda adventure on 3DS first before any more remakes. Well, I guess that was
kind of true. Sort of. Reggie revealed that the new game for 3DS is not quite a
remake, but doesn’t seem like an entirely original game either. It’s this odd
pseudo-remake of A Link to the Past, that features a familiar overhead view and
art design, but with new 3D graphics, and even the same world from A Link to
the Past. Now, I don’t just mean the game takes place in Hyrule again, but it
literally appears to be taking place in the same map from the SNES classic. To
say my feelings on this new game are “mixed” is the absolute best way to put
it. On the one hand, the game looks beautiful and the 3D depth effect looks
fantastic for this bird’s-eye-view type of game (if not a little gimmicky in
some parts of the trailer, like Link leaping up out of the screen when he
changes dungeon floors and bone projectiles flying up at the screen when Link
blocks them). Speaking of the “bird’s-eye-view”, I’m thrilled that Nintendo is
not abandoning this classic design, as I was a bit worried we’d seen the last
of it after Ocarina of Time 3D made a stunning debut on 3DS. The overhead-view style
of Zelda is still a design that I greatly enjoy and I’m glad it’s not dying
just yet. The purist in me is also loving the retro look of Link, as I’ve
always preferred the older designs of the character (not to mention Link as a
child) to the newer ones seen in games like Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess,
and Skyward Sword. The new “Link turning into a drawing on the wall” gimmick
looks cool and the dungeon design looks nice too. But…I can’t help but be
disappointed. You see, I had high hopes for Zelda 3DS because while the console
Zelda games always seem to feel the need (with exceptions of course) to dredge
Hyrule back up with Master Sword, Ganon, Kakariko Village and Death Mountain in
tow, the series’ handheld entries have traditionally been more focused on
taking Link to exciting new lands to face off against exciting new enemies. But
this new game seems to be the complete opposite of that. For the first time in
the series, it seems that Link will be exploring the same map from a previous title,
which, while it remains to be seen just how similar it all will be, is very
disappointing for me because one of the most exciting aspects of any new Zelda
game, and adventure game in general, is exploring a brand new world. Sure,
we’ve been to Hyrule countless times before (personally, I feel Hyrule needs a
break and part of me wishes The Wind Waker permanently retired it), but at
least it’s always a new version of Hyrule with a new map layout. Even Twilight
Princess’s Hyrule, which was basically “Ocarina of Time’s Hyrule, but let’s
make everything bigger!”, was at least still a new map to explore. I’m
extremely familiar with A Link to the Past’s overworld, in fact, I’ve been
exploring it for the past ten or so years since I first played the game and in the
many, many times I’ve revisited it. The dungeons in the game, we are told, will
at least be brand new…but the dungeon shown in the trailer reminds me greatly
of the Tower of Hera in ALttP and also seems to share the same boss. So maybe the
game is going to feature similar dungeons as well, just with drastic redesigns.
A Link to the Past is a classic, it’s a wonderful game, but as I said with
Mario 3 above, that doesn’t mean I want to return to its world in a new game.
I’d prefer something new and equally as special. Now, it’s worth saying that
unlike the New Super Mario Bros. series and their constant Mario 3/Mario World
referencing, I don’t think this new Zelda game is fan-service. Most fans seemed
to be clamoring more for a Majora’s Mask 3DS remake (a title which would be
nice, but isn’t necessary and I’d still prefer an original game) and I think
that Miyamoto basically just wanted to do a ALttP remake, and the Zelda team
wanted to make something new, and this game is sort of compromise or the result
of all this. But instead of this odd pseudo-remake/sequel hybrid, I’d rather
have either a straight-up remake of A Link to the Past or what I really wanted,
a brand new adventure. In a straight remake, obviously the recycled world and
game concepts wouldn’t bother me for obvious reasons, and a fresh, completely
new game is always great, but to have a sort of new experience with the same
world and presentation as a previous game is just sort of half-exciting for me.
I’m still going to get the game, and I have no doubt that it’ll be another
polished, well-designed Zelda game, but I have to say…I’ve never been more
mixed about a Zelda reveal. Regardless of how I felt about the end products, I
was incredibly stoked for Twilight Princess, thrilled to have a sequel to The
Wind Waker in Phantom Hourglass, intrigued and amused by Spirit Tracks’ train,
and elated to see the vibrant and ambitious reveal of Skyward Sword…but like
with the upcoming The Wind Waker HD remake, I’m cautiously excited for this new
3DS Zelda.

Looks good, but how original will it be? |
But maybe Nintendo doesn’t
care that I have the overworld in A Link to the Past memorized, maybe they
don’t care that I’ve played Super Mario Bros. 3 a gajillion times and the New
Super Mario Bros. games will just never be as special to me, because maybe
Nintendo isn’t making games for me anymore. Maybe they’re making these games
for a new generation that’s never played the classics, and New Super Mario
Bros. U is their first Mario game. But the thing is, even if that’s true, I’m
still allowed to be disappointed in Nintendo and expect more of them. Here’s
why: the main reason Nintendo’s current foray into endless Mario milking is so
disappointing to me is because I know they can do so much better. I just
recently got around to playing through the original Pikmin and Pikmin 2, and
I’m currently playing through Kid Icarus: Uprising on 3DS. Kid Icarus: Uprising
is so full of personality and features such a charming, unique world that hasn’t
been seen for the last 25 years, and the game is such a genre-shift from its
predecessors that it’s basically a new IP, and it just reminds me that when
Nintendo really puts their heart into it, they are one of the most creative and
talented developers in the industry. The Pikmin games are also fiercely unique
and creative and unlike anything I’ve ever played or experienced. The best
moments in the latest Zelda game for Wii, Skyward Sword, also demonstrate a
developer that is no stranger to creative and imaginative new game design. And
I know it’s part of the Mario parade I criticized earlier, but it’s nice to see
Luigi’s Mansion get a new game as the original was another one of Nintendo’s
most creative and unexpected experiences. And although I haven’t played it
myself yet, I hear Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon is a pretty great display of
Nintendo’s charm and creativity. Nintendo also released a new addition to Fire
Emblem recently which I hear is brilliant and we’re also getting Pikmin 3 later
this year. And while these games are sequels, they are sequels to rare Nintendo
franchises, and great ones might I add, and they add some much-needed variety
to Nintendo’s line-up. So with all this said, it’s clear that Nintendo still
has it in them to harness that creativity that put them on the map in the old
days and create wonderfully-designed new games. They have the potential to do so
much more. But it seems like these days, they are more focused on offering up
unique ways to control games than focusing their attention on the game
experiences themselves and are also mostly interested in making new Mario
games. Now, even though I praised some of Nintendo’s newer games above, there
are still problems I have with Nintendo’s current design philosophies, mainly in
the way of not-so-subtle hand-holding, and I also have more to say about
Nintendo’s focus on new controls and the like instead of focusing on what
really matters: the content of the games themselves. I’ve ranted long enough
though, so maybe these will be the topics of another rant.

Above: Creativity |
For now, I just want to
end by saying that Nintendo has created some of the most memorable,
atmospheric, fun, and well-designed video games I’ve ever played. Super Mario
Bros. 3. Super Metroid. The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.
Pikmin. Kirby’s Dream Land. The list goes on. Nintendo still has the potential
to make new fantastic memories. It just greatly disappoints me to see them
squandering this potential.