Another Ze-make announced, another leak confirmed.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD
is on its way to Wii U next spring, and I’m personally hoping that a
Wolf Link and Midna amiibo isn’t the only novelty this new version will be boasting. At
first glance, the visual makeover
is getting seems to pale in comparison to the transformation that
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
underwent with
its HD counterpart, but upon
closer inspection, the visuals have
certainly been cleaned up to a large degree and it looks like the game will be
boasting at least much sharper textures if not entirely redone ones.
TWWHD looks so notably beautiful in this
modern day and age simply because its art is much better suited to the HD
remaster treatment and has aged so gracefully, and
Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma
alluded to that very notion
around the time of the HD remaster’s release. The lighting changes and added
bloom also had a purpose when implemented in
TWWHD, which was to capture the mood of the bright, sunny ocean
setting, whereas
TPHD may not have
any use for similar drastic alterations. Similar to
TPHD will not be a
full remake like the 3DS
remakes, but rather an HD remaster with hopefully a few tweaks here and there.
Whereas my love and respect for the original experiences that
The Wind Waker and
Majora’s Mask provide made me wary of the changes being made to
those games for their reintroductions, I don’t have the same kind of fondness
Twilight Princess and I’ll
happily welcome some changes to
that might differentiate it from the original and smooth out the experience.
I’ve thought up some alterations that I think have a
realistic chance of being applied to
Again, this isn’t a full remake, so I don’t expect anything to the extent of
the changes in
Majora’s Mask 3D, for
example. With this in mind, thinking up this list was a bit tricky because even
though it sits at the lower end of my personal
Zelda totem pole,
Princess is actually a very polished game and there aren’t actually that
many basic changes I can think to make. Most of my major quantifiable issues
Twilight Princess (and trust me,
there are a lot) are baked into the DNA of the game and not the kind of thing
you can just twist with a wrench a few times like Nintendo did with some
aspects of
The Wind Waker. That said,
here are some of the tweaks I’d happily welcome when I experience this new
version of
Twilight Princess next
GamePad Functionality

I’ll get the obvious one out of the way first, and going by
the currently available screenshots and footage of the game, this stuff is all
but totally confirmed anyway. It seems the game’s primary control scheme will
be the
GamePad, and so I fully expect the same kind of wonderfully-implemented
functionality that
TWWHD saw to be on
display here: things like inventory and map management being on the second screen
and gyroscopic aiming, which is honestly perfect because the motion-controlled
aiming of the Wii version of
Princess is the only aspect of that version I prefer to the otherwise
superior GameCube release, so the HD version is poised to be the definitive
version for me control-wise (although nothing quite beats the feel of the GameCube
controller for me). As a side note, I’m very pleased to see that the HD version
is being modeled after the GameCube version’s world map, so no mirror-world
here like in the Wii version. Since I am far, far more familiar with the
GameCube version (and also other factors like the world’s layout being more consistent
with past
Zelda games and also containing
Hylian text that is based on the English alphabet and that
is very readable if it’s not mirrored), I’m perfectly fine with this just being
the way the game is, but an ability to swap between the mirror map and the standard
one would be fine as well.
Camera and Miiverse

Taking another nod from
Wind Waker HD (there’s going to be a lot of that here), it’d be great if
Picto Box was introduced to
Princess for this HD version (it was absent in the original game) and some
kind of similar Miiverse functionality was also implemented. There’s no
figurine quest or anything of the like in
but I’d still love to be able to photograph characters and scenery in
TP’s world and share them on Miiverse
(of course, I can also just do that by taking screenshots with the Home Button).
Twilight Princess is actually fairly
steeped in lore if you’re a hardcore fan of the series like me, and there’s a
fair amount of food for theorizing in the game, so being able to share
discoveries and discuss them online would be neat. Of course, if something akin
to the figurine quest or maybe just the ability to photograph people and
monsters in the world and get a short bio on them could be implemented, that
would be most welcome.
Twilight Princess
is really lacking in any kind of feature like that compared to the other 3D
Zelda games, so this remaster would be
the perfect opportunity to remedy that and flesh out the game’s world. Even if
nothing this ambitious is added,
TP still
has some of the most interesting architecture and lore in the series and the
sharper textures will make studying features like the designs on the walls of
the Temple of Time and the aforementioned readable Hylian text throughout the
game a new pleasure, and being able to snap, save, and share some pictographs
would make this even more enjoyable.
Refine Wolf Link

This is perhaps a more ambitious hope.
Link’s wolf form may
be the most underdeveloped “unique mechanic” in the entire
Zelda series and it seems like an afterthought added to the game in
order to give
Twilight Princess a big
unique feature to make it stand-out from other
Zelda titles, something that it otherwise lacks. While overhauling
Wolf Link entirely would call for a redesign of the whole game and is obviously
not what I would expect, I think some minor tweaks here and there could at
least make dashing around and fighting as the clunky lug a smoother experience.
Instead of having to constantly hammer a button to make the otherwise sluggish
beast dash in short bursts, just having the option to press or hold down a
button once to run would be grand. Perhaps an even better choice might be to
handle wolf-running the way it works in the far superior wolf simulator,
Okami, where Wolf Link would start out
at a measured gait and then gradually burst into a full sprint if the analog
stick contained to be held forward. Also, please for the love of Din smooth out
wolf combat, so enemies don’t fall down after one strike and invulnerably lie
there for half a day before getting up and letting Link chew on them again.
Whenever I play the original game, I have to resort to using Midna’s charge-up
one hit kill attack in every single combat encounter in wolf form because
fighting the normal way is just so bloody tedious.
Besides just overall touching up the way Wolf Link feels to
play, maybe the bug-hunting sections where the beast gets the most action could
be streamlined somehow as well. While I don’t hate these sections, mainly
because of the atmosphere present in them, I find them far more tiresome
personally than the Triforce shard hunt in The
Wind Waker (which I never actually found tiresome at all, but I can see why
people don’t like it), so if they tweaked that for TWWHD, maybe they can find a way to make some changes here. I’m not
saying that the two sections are really all that equitable, just that they are
both oft-maligned aspects of their respective games. I’m not exactly sure how they
could alter the bug-hunting parts to make them feel less like a chore, and to
be fair it would probably be harder to do than the rather simple and clever way
they tweaked the Triforce hunt, but perhaps just something as simple as
shortening them somehow to make the whole affair less drawn out so I can get
back to dungeon-crawling and sword-slashing as human Link would be acceptable.
Rupees are so
Annoying in this Game

You can never fit them in your tiny wallet. Link puts them back
into a chest when he can’t hold them (which, again, is always), so a closed
chest remains, forever mocking you and possibly even confusing you on a dungeon
map. And of course, the game just loves to tell you how much each of these
suckers is worth. Again. And again. And again. Every time you turn on the game.
How to fix this? First off, just have a huge wallet from the start like in A Link Between Worlds (and swap out the
wallet upgrade prizes from Agitha with some heart pieces or something; they did
this kind of “reward-swapping” in TWWHD
in some areas so there’s no reason it can’t be done here). At the very least
increase the max number of rupees Link can hold; I’ve never understood why the
largest wallet in TP can still only
hold one-thousand rupees (not to mention you’re likely to get the largest
wallet late in the game if at all) when Majora’s
Mask had a freakin’ bank and The Wind
Waker’s rupee max was five-thousand, especially considering just how many
rupees Link finds in Twilight Princess.
Next, ditch the “rupee saving” mechanic, or at least mark an already-opened
rupee chest on the map with a rupee symbol. Finally, and obviously, for the love of Farore just get rid of the rupee
Redone/Orchestrated Music
Taking yet more inspiration from
The Wind Waker’s HD remaster, it would be great if selected tracks
Twilight Princess’s score were
remastered and in some cases orchestrated. I’m not asking for the entire
soundtrack to be redone, but merely given a similar treatment as in
TWWHD, with selected songs being redone and
TPHD’s case, hopefully
orchestrated. I’m not someone who believes all music in the
Zelda series should be orchestrated and I
firmly believe digital music (and other forms of music) still has a place, but
Twilight Princess perhaps more than any
Zelda game begs to have a large
portion of its soundtrack orchestrated, especially the (and I use this word
properly) epic
Hyrule Field theme (which already has an
official orchestral version out there, so there’s really no excuse not to include at least that
version or if not, do a new version).
Better Difficulty

Twilight Princess
has a great variety of fierce-looking beasties. Unfortunately, rarely do they
ever pose an actual threat to the incredibly overpowered Link. Now, personally
I don’t play
Zelda games for
difficulty, but some level of challenge and real opposition in the hero’s quest
is appreciated, especially in regards to bosses.
Twilight Princess has some wonderful dungeons and along with these
tantalizing labyrinths are some very memorable boss encounters. But they’re all
piss easy. Mainly this has to do with the strategy involved in taking them down
often being pathetically obvious and extremely formulaic. It’s sometimes tough
to really feel like a hero when these massive creatures’ menacing appearance is
so betrayed by how easily Link stomps on them. With this in mind, I don’t
expect completely redesigned encounters like in
Majora’s Mask 3D (hopefully if that were the case, they’d be more
well thought-out than in that game though), but I think monsters, bosses, and
obstacles dealing a bit more damage to Link would go a long way. Of course,
this probably won’t happen and the developers will likely just slap a
“hero mode” on
TPHD and call it a day,
which is fine, but it’d be nice if there was something in-between “barely any challenge
at all” and “hero mode”. For all its pretense of being “edgy” and “dark”,
TP is one of the easiest and least
threatening games in the series, so a little more difficulty might at least be
in keeping with what the game is going for. And for Nayru’s sake, please take
out the hearts and fairies in the final battle’s arena;
Skyward Sword got it right in this regard.
Other Assorted Changes
Some other assorted changes I wouldn’t mind seeing: acquire
Horse Call item earlier or make
Horse Grass way more common; perhaps too
much to ask, but some smoother animations on characters, especially facial
animations and
especially Link’s facial animations; make the
Magic Armor worth a damn or replace it with a
better secret item as a reward for what is essentially
TP’s only substantial side-quest (that’s not a collectathon at
least); and lastly don’t restrict Link’s movement and actions indoors. This
last one is something that started in
Princess and continued in
Skyward Sword
and it is one of my biggest pet peeves about “modern
Zelda”. Please get rid of it; it is so awkward and jarring and
hurts the sense of freedom that is part of what makes
Zelda games special.
I’ll end with just one more hope I have for Twilight Princess HD, which is, largely unlike
its original release, I hope it surprises me. Whether it’s a brand new feature
or area added, or just some unexpected and clever changes or additions that I
hadn’t thought of, I hope there’s something in here that catches me off guard,
in a good way. I’ve played through the original Twilight Princess a lot (the GameCube version, particularly), and
speaking as someone who doesn’t care too much about the integrity of the
original experience, something to mix things up would definitely be appreciated
on my part.